Archive for the ‘News’ Category

RECOUP’s Litter Composition & Pathways Project Uncovers Crisp Packet From the 90’s

Posted: 26/06/2024

RECOUP’s Litter Composition & Pathways Project Uncovers Crisp Packet From the 90’s

As part of the RECOUP Litter Composition & Pathways Project the team recently carried out a litter pick in a local industrial area. In total 7 bags were collected over a 2-hour period which incorporated a mixture of new material as well as legacy litter, and remarkably included a crisp packet with a 1997 expiry date!

The condition of this crisp packet was surprisingly preserved, with little degradation to the packet itself or the ink, really highlighting how litter can stay in the environment for considerable periods of time if disposed of incorrectly and left uncollected.

This was the 5th litter pick carried out as part of the project, which came about due to the continued concern over litter pollution, and the call for better data and evidence to drive effective solutions to reduce litter.

Supported by funding from RECOUP members McDonald’s and Ocado Retail, the project’s primary goal is to review, challenge, and provide robust evidence regarding the composition of litter. To achieve this, RECOUP aims to:

  • Develop a standardized, evidence-based methodology for collecting and analysing litter.
  • Create a comprehensive litter composition data set.
  • Test the use of Artificial Intelligence technology to determine insights such as litter distribution and composition.
  • Understand the difference between terrestrial and riverine litter through the use of a Seabin, which is additionally funded by Viridor and Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT).

A variety of litter picks have already been carried out across the Peterborough area with the help of the Peterborough Litter Wombles, covering a mix of location types and deprivation levels, to understand any variations in litter types based on these variables.

As the project progresses, the methodology will be shared with litter groups across the country, with the aim for them to continue building the litter database by covering a larger variety of different location types, helping to make the data as comprehensive and inclusive as possible.

The evidence-based insights gained from this project will aid in the development of targeted interventions to combat litter pollution effectively and will be shared with government, devolved administrations, and key stakeholders to inform and advise policy decisions.

Laura Hutchings, Projects & Data Manager at RECOUP, said “It has been really interesting to see the variety of both new and legacy litter we have been collecting from each litter pick. There is an obvious need for highly thought-out, targeted interventions for the prevention of litter, and this project will provide key data and insights to help achieve this”.

If you would like to find out more about the Litter Composition & Pathways Project, please contact Laura Hutchings on

Re-Universe to Bring Reuse to the Isle of Man After Winning the Prestigious Cleantech Isle of Man Innovation Award 2024.

Posted: 19/06/2024

Re-Universe to Bring Reuse to the Isle of Man After Winning the Prestigious Cleantech Isle of Man Innovation Award 2024.

Oxfordshire based re-universe, an innovative technology company based in Bicester, has been announced as the winner of the CleanTech Isle of Man Innovation Challenge 2024. This accolade recognises their ambitious project to make the Isle of Man the first nation to eliminate single-use cups by transitioning entirely to reusable cups. Using the re-universe technology platform, smart reusable cups will see a deposit or penalty hold activated at point of purchase which will be refunded / released at point of return.

The rigorous six-month competition saw re-universe stand out among thirteen finalists from around the globe. These finalists presented their solutions to an audience of 250 attendees on Thursday, 13th June, culminating in re-universe being selected as the winner of the Cleantech Award.

The awards were organised by the Department for Enterprise’s executive agencies, Digital Isle of Man, Business Isle of Man, and Finance Isle of Man, with the support of the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority and UNESCO Biosphere. The competition featured strong contenders from Denmark, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.

The re-universe platform is perfectly suited for a project of this scale, using advanced technology with unique coding and RFID to provide comprehensive item-to-item traceability, asset management alongside accurate data and insights. By collaborating with the Island to scale resources and infrastructure—including collection, sorting, washing, and logistics—the entire system is seamlessly integrated through the re-universe platform.

Using re-universes latest Just Tap technology, the platform connects the customers card to the cup at point of purchase, requiring no download of app or registration to use the scheme, bringing unparalleled ease to all who use it, whether they buy a drink in an independent coffee shop, a workplace, or an event such as the annual motorcycling TT race.

“We were honoured to receive the CleanTech Isle of Man Innovation Award,” said Rachel Warren, CEO of re-universe “we are impressed with the island’s commitment, passion and ‘can-do’ attitude to reduce single-use. This award highlights our joint commitment to set new standards in sustainability with a whole Nation approach. The Isle of Man will serve as a leading example for other communities and nations wanting to do better and switch to reuse”

Kirree Gooberman, Head of Business Development, Department for Enterprise adds “The most powerful tool in sustainability is changing behaviour, re-universe exemplify this by identifying a real problem and providing a practical solution to enable change. We are delighted re-universe won the CleanTech award and are excited to see the possibilities of what we can achieve working for our Island.”

This win builds on re-universe’s successful project at Blenheim Palace, another UNESCO World Heritage site, where they are achieving high return rates and strong engagement with the permanent reusable cup initiative at the Palace.

The award underscores the significant impact that re-universe’s project could have on environmental sustainability, not just on the Isle of Man, but as a model for other nations striving to reduce waste and foster reuse practices.

Election Manifestos – Climate Change, Recycling & Plastics – What’s Included?

Posted: 14/06/2024

Election Manifestos – Climate Change, Recycling & Plastics – What’s Included?

With the General Election being held on 4 July, the political parties have published their manifestos, which have included promises and approaches to climate change, recycling and plastics. Steve Morgan has outlined the main points, including the number of mentions of some key words for each party, in a busy week in politics!

Leading the way with key words is ‘Climate Change’ (21), ‘Net Zero’ (17), ‘Pollution’ (16) and ‘Recycling’ (11), albeit eight of the eleven mentions of ‘Recycling’ were included by one party.  ‘Waste’ (4), ‘Plastic’ (3) ‘Packaging’ (1) are barely mentioned, and ‘Producer Responsibility’ is not included in any of the manifestos.

Although looking at key words is interesting, it is an indication only. The effectiveness of any political party maybe not be about the quantity of the use of these words, but the overall aim, ambition and drive to deliver on environmental policies that are mentioned, or at least referred to. One key mention could lead the way to far reaching change.

The manifestos outlined in no particular order and the information does not show or intend to show support for any party.

The Conservatives

Looking at waste and recycling, in “Our plan to support our rural way of life and enhance our environment”, on page 67 it states they will:

  • Take comprehensive action to crack down on organised waste crime, especially those who impact protected nature sites, and to use enhanced penalties for fly tipping, giving councils the tools to help tackle offenders.
  • Continue to develop a UK-wide DRS, while promising to minimise the impact on businesses and consumers.
  • That increased recycling rates will reduce the need for incineration capacity in the longer term, and they will also prevent new waste incinerators being built, including those with recent permit approvals or where substantial construction has not taken place.

The main focus on Climate Change and Net Zero is on pages 49 and 50 through ‘Our plan for an affordable and pragmatic transition to net zero’ and how they will cut the cost of tackling climate change for households and business and deliver net zero by 2050.

In ‘Our plan to secure our nation from global uncertainty’, on pages 34 and 34 they state they will maintain the leadership on climate change at COP26 and efforts to tackle global warming and biodiversity loss and will continue the commitment to International Climate Finance.

Climate change – 8 / Net Zero – 10 / Pollution – 4 / Recycling – 1 / Waste – 2 / Plastic – 0 / Packaging – 0 / Producer Responsibility – 0


The Labour Party

The second point of Labour’s five missions to rebuild Britain on page 13 is to “Make Britain a clean energy superpower to cut bills, create jobs and deliver security with cheaper, zero-carbon electricity by 2030, accelerating to net zero”.

More information is outlined from pages 47-59, stating:

  • Commitment to reducing waste by moving to a circular economy.
  • Climate change can be complementary to economic growth, energy security, lower bills, and addressing climate change.
  • A national mission for clean power by 2030 is achievable and should be prioritised.
  • They will ensure the institutional framework for policy making reflects commitments to reach net zero and meet our carbon budgets and make the UK the green finance capital of the world including mandating UK-regulated financial institutions and FTSE 100 companies to develop and implement credible transition plans that align with the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.

In ‘Britain Reconnected’ on pages 122 and 123 it states the urgency of the climate and nature crisis without co-ordinated global action and a failure to act will cause environmental devastation. It also states about being climate leaders at home, including meeting targets ensuring strong global leadership needed to tackle the climate crisis. Labour will create a new Clean Power Alliance by bringing together a coalition of countries “at the cutting edge of climate action”.

Climate change – 4 / Net Zero – 3 / Pollution – 1 / Recycling – 0 / Waste – 0 / Plastic – 0 / Packaging – 0 / Producer Responsibility – 0

Liberal Democrats

In Chapter 12 on the ‘Natural Environment’, they promise to create a nature-positive economy, tackle plastic pollution and waste, and “get Britain recycling” by:

  • Introducing a DRS for food and drink bottles and containers, working with the devolved administrations to ensure consistency across the UK, learning the lessons from the difficulties with the Scottish scheme.
  • Aiming for the complete elimination of non-recyclable single-use plastics within three years and replacing them with affordable alternatives.
  • Working to protect 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030 through the UN High Seas Treaty and finalising a Global Plastics Treaty to cut plastic pollution worldwide.
  • Setting an ambition of ending plastic waste exports by 2030.

Climate change comes third in the list of priorities in the manifesto, after the economy and business and jobs.

In Chapter 2 on ’A fair deal on the environment’ they promised to:

  • Put tackling climate change at the heart of a new industrial strategy.
  • Provide skills training, incentives and advice to help families and businesses with the transition to net zero.

Chapter 4 on ‘Business and Jobs’ outlines that they would cut resource use, waste and pollution by accelerating the transition to a more circular economy that maximises the recovery, reuse, recycling and remanufacturing of products.

In Chapter 5 on ‘Climate Change and Energy’ they would urgent action needed to tackle climate change and take action needed now to achieve net zero by 2045, including:

  • Meeting the UK’s commitment under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions by at least 68% from 1990 levels by 2030.
  • Requiring the National Infrastructure Commission to take fully into account the environmental implications of all national infrastructure decisions.

Climate change – 4 / Net Zero – 3 / Pollution – 5 / Plastic – 1 / Recycling – 2 / Waste – 2 / Packaging – 0 / Producer Responsibility – 0

Green Party

In ‘Creating A Fairer, Greener Economy’ from pages 13-16 to:

  • A Green Economic Transformation.
  • Phasing out fossil fuels.
  • A just transition to a zero-carbon economy.
  • In ‘Resource Use’ to increase the scope of bans on the production of single-use plastics for use in packaging and disposable products such as baby wipes.
  • In ‘A Green Economic Transformation’ to allocate £50billion to retrofitting buildings, installing non-fossil fuel heating systems, and adapting homes for a climate changed world.

On page 15 it specifically states in ‘Research, development and skills’ to increase investment into research and development with additional spending primarily focused on tackling the climate and environmental crisis through funding research into areas, including:

  • Re-use, repair, recycling and designing out waste.
  • Carbon neutral construction; carbon-neutral production
  • Carbon capture technology.

In ‘Respecting the limits of the planet’ on pages 15 and 16 it also includes:

  • Advocating for a circular economy that reduces the waste of resources.
  • Manufacturers to offer ten-year warranties on white goods, to encourage repair and reuse.
  • Introduce a comprehensive ‘right to repair’, so manufacturers keep goods operational years after purchase and to eliminate built-in obsolescence.
  • Require manufacturers to produce only the most energy efficient white goods, TVs, lighting and electric cookers to encourage a shift from an ownership to a usership model, for example through car-sharing platforms and neighbourhood libraries for tools and equipment.

In ‘Providing Fairer, Greener Homes for All’ on pages 7-9 in ‘minimising the climate impact of new homes and buildings’ includes:

  • Planning applications will be required to include whole-life carbon and energy calculations.
  • Materials from demolished buildings will need to be considered for reuse and rates for disposal of builders’ waste will be increased to ensure that the economic driver for reuse is in place.

Other policies included are:

  • Powering up Fairer, Greener Energy (pages 10-12).
  • A Fairer and Greener Approach to Public Finances (pages 20-22).
  • Bringing Nature Back to Life (pages 23-24).
  • A Greener and Fairer Food and Farming System (pages 27-28).

Climate change – 5 / Net Zero – 1 / Pollution – 6 / Plastic – 1 / Recycling – 1 / Waste – 8 / Packaging – 1 / Producer Responsibility – 0

The International Composites Summit Celebrates Visitor Registration Launch with a New Brand and Website

Posted: 14/06/2024

The International Composites Summit Celebrates Visitor Registration Launch with a New Brand and Website

The International Composites Summit (ICS) is thrilled to announce the launch of visitor registration with refreshed branding and a new website for the 2024 show. ICS is the UK’s only event dedicated to the global composites industry.

Now in its fourth year, ICS is recognised as a catalyst for driving progress and excellence in composite materials and technologies. With the revamped branding and user-friendly website, the organisers – Fluency and Composites UK – are excited to provide attendees, partners, and exhibitors with an enhanced experience that reflects the dynamism and forward-thinking nature of the event.

The new vibrant colours and dynamic visuals allows the event to differentiate its multidimensional elements so everyone involved can see announcements from each area of the show at-a-glance – whether that be a new speaker, sponsor, or exhibitor.

In addition to the refreshed branding, ICS is delighted to unveil its new website, which serves as a comprehensive hub for all things related to the show. Designed with user convenience in mind, the website offers intuitive navigation, seamless access to information, and interactive features.

Key features of the new website include:

  • Detailed information about the summit, including schedule, speakers, and exhibitors.
  • Registration portal for attendees and exhibitors.
  • Information about co-located events.
  • News and updates on the latest developments from the show and its exhibitors.

The website also integrates a brand-new registration system to help streamline the sign-up process and give attendees more control over their profile.

For more information about the International Composites Summit, to register for the 2024 show and experience the new branding and website, please visit

Plastic Plant Pots –Give Them a Break!

Posted: 05/06/2024

Plastic Plant Pots –Give Them a Break!

Following our recent “Kerbside Collection and Recycling of PP Plant Pots” webinar, RECOUP have continued to investigate the collection of plastic plant pots for recycling.

Our latest article outlines the progress so far, including trials through the sorting process of Polypropylene pots. RECOUP also investigated the next step of the recycling chain and sought guidance from a PP re-processor where it was widely communicated that mono PP plant pots are a valuable material and can be easily processed into pellets that go on to make new products.

So, why are plant pots not being collected, sorted, and recycled given they are made from such a valuable material? Read our latest article to find out more!

RECOUP Awards entry deadline only 1 month away!

Posted: 01/05/2024

RECOUP Awards entry deadline only 1 month away!

With only 1 month left to enter the prestigious RECOUP Awards 2024, RECOUP, the leading independent authority and trusted voice on plastics resource efficiency and recycling, is urging all organisations and individuals in the plastics value chain to submit their entries before the deadline on 28 June. The awards are FREE to enter and celebrate excellence in plastics resource efficiency and recycling.

There are 3 award categories and no limit on the number of entries:

  1. Best Plastic Product Development for Recyclability or Re-Use.
  2. Best Innovation in Equipment or Technology.
  3. Recycled Plastic Product of the Year.

The awards will be presented at the RECOUP Awards & Pre-conference Networking Dinner on Wednesday 25 September 2024, at the Holiday Inn, Peterborough West and will recognise and celebrate the innovative and inspiring projects, products and initiatives that have helped to drive the circularity of plastics for a more sustainable future.

Rebecca Davis, Membership & Events Manager at RECOUP comments: “We believe that this is an excellent opportunity for organisations and individuals to showcase their achievements and be recognised for their contributions to the circular economy for plastics ”.

To apply for the awards, please visit the RECOUP website and complete the simple online entry form.

The awards are followed by RECOUP’s not-to-be-missed event of the year, The RECOUP Conference, which is held at Kingsgate Conference Centre, Peterborough on Thursday 26 September. Sponsored by Berry Global, WRAP, and others the RECOUP Conference attracts delegates from the entire plastics and wider sustainability value chain. Tickets can be booked via the RECOUP website.

Limited awards and conference sponsorship opportunities are also still available, please email for more information or if you require any assistance with the award entry.

Response to DEFRA call for evidence

Posted: 30/04/2024

Response to DEFRA call for evidence

RECOUP’s response to DEFRA call for evidence: Review of Pro-Oxidant Additive Containing (PAC) plastics, commonly referred to as ‘oxo-degradable’ or ‘oxo-biodegradable’ plastics. February 2024.

Read the response here.

Discover 20 Breakthrough Start-Ups at Rethinking Materials this May.

Posted: 23/04/2024

Discover 20 Breakthrough Start-Ups at Rethinking Materials this May.

Rethinking Materials is the only international event connecting ready-to-scale solutions with commercial partners including global CPG brands, investors and materials producers.

This May 14-15 the summit returns to London to showcase breakthrough new materials and drop-in technologies helping decarbonise supply chains, including innovations in renewable chemicals, biofabricated fibres, waste valorisation, carbon capture, AI and many more.

Attracting a multi-industry audience of C-Suite and Director-level decision makers including CEOs, Heads of Innovation, R&D, and Investment, the summit sets out to unite material innovation leaders to develop actionable insights for the future.

Making up part of the main agenda, the Technology Showcases are a fast-paced session giving early to mid-stage companies the opportunity to explain their tech or solution to an C-Suite audience of brands, retailers, producers, manufacturers, and investors. After pitching, they will be interviewed on-stage by a prestigious panel of industry specialists looking to take a deeper dive into their offering. Start-ups pitching on stage include:

  • Algreen has invented the worlds’ first viable, 100% biobased polyurethane solutions.
  • BioBond Adhesives develops bio-based adhesives and coatings to replace petroleum-based materials in various applications, including the packaging, electronics, construction, and automotive industries.
  • Biomr uses the latest advances in ML to develop new high-performance specialty chemicals, based on abundant natural waste feedstocks.
  • Cauldron Ferm is unlocking the potential of precision fermentation by rapidly deploying manufacturing capacity at a low cost.
  • DisSolves is commercialising a disruptive, patented technology for creating edible pods and films.
  • Gulsine is the only venture that provides a materials informatics platform to autonomously predict product shelf life without the need of years of stability tests.
  • Kuori is an innovative Swiss Cleantech company committed to transitioning to a post-oil economy by transforming consumer plastics through a circular economy approach.
  • OXCCU uses CO₂ and renewable energy to make fuels, chemicals and plastics.
  • TerraSafe is disrupting the bio-based packaging space by combining multiple IP portfolios from top tier universities around the United States to create new commercial platforms.
  • TextRe specializes in transforming mixed textile waste into sustainable engineered compounds, offering an alternative to high CO2 footprint virgin plastic polymers.
  • TômTex makes revolutionary bio-based materials that are developed in collaboration with nature and 100% naturally biodegradable.
  • Werewool are developing the next generation of biodegradable performance textile fibres with DNA-programmed colour and functional properties.

These showcasing start-ups have been carefully selected by material innovation specialists, to ensure only the most pioneering, dynamic tech is being spotlighted at the summit. A special thanks to the selection jury: Efrat Friedland, Positive Plastics; Luc des Vallières, Source Green; Sonalie Figueiras, Green Queen; Justin Guest, Archipelago Ventures; Johanna Wiese, Mistletoe; and Sagar Tandon, Beyond Impact.

The summit also offers the opportunity to to meet start-ups face-to-face, learn about their innovations first hand and ask questions directly to the entrepreneurs in the Start-Up Exhibition. Business leaders can book in 1-1 meetings and discover the next big solution that will future-proof their companies. The following start-ups will be in the exhibition:Day1Lab specialises in crafting plastic alternatives (bags and flexible packaging) using starch-based carbohydrate materials.

  • FlexSea manufactures nature compostable, plug and play bioplastics derived from Seaweed.
  • Keiryo develops a processing technology that reduces the manufacturing cost and environmental footprint of polymer-based articles.
  • Kelpi’s seaweed-derived material is a sustainable alternative to fossil-fuel based plastic packaging and is fully compostable, marine-safe, and low carbon.
  • Originnovation develops a unique technology that utilises thermal injection moulding technology to manufacture 100% food-grade mixture material into functional disposable utensils.
  • Prescience Insilico Pvt Ltd. revolutionises research and innovation across multiple industries through computational R&D, enhancing materials optimisation and formulation predictions.
  • Algenesis are on a mission to help eliminate plastic waste and microplastics caused by traditional petrochemical based materials. They will be showcasing Soleic branded Urethanes are plant based, compostable and marine degradable, encompassing PU foam technologies and Thermoplastic Urethane (TPU) polymers.
  • Zerocircle is a material science company that creates pioneering ocean-degradable plastic alternatives as a drop-in solution which decomposes naturally in any mismanaged environment without leaving a trace of microplastics.

…as well as Biobond Adhesives, Dissolves, and TerraSafe Materials which are presenting during the Technology Showcases.

Two days of thought-leadership debate, group discussions, product demonstrations, start-up pitches, targeted 1-1 meetings and a busy exhibition make this a stand-out event for technology discovery and investment.

Key areas for discussion include scale-up investment, navigating hype cycles, AI-driven solutions, sustainable feedstocks, the regulatory landscape, regenerative and novel materials, recyclability, performance, designing out waste and transiting from plastic to paper in the pursuit of sustainability.

Find out more on the Rethinking Materials website:

Get in touch:

Bring it Back Project has been Shortlisted for UK Business Green Awards 2024!

Posted: 05/04/2024

Bring it Back Project has been Shortlisted for UK Business Green Awards 2024!

We’re thrilled to announce that Bring it Back project has been shortlisted for Circular Economy Project of the Year at the UK BusinessGreen Awards 2024!

RECOUP and PECT teams worked together to introduce plastic reusable packaging to various local communities. Over 4000 single-use packaging was saved throughout the pilot from being discarded across nine different Peterborough locations!

Thank you to all project partners (The University of SheffieldKakadu CreativeRich Beach), our pilot sites (Nene Park TrustMeadow Brown Restaurants, West Raven Community Cafe, Stuart House Peterborough, St John Fisher School, Oundle School and Cafes)  and for the funding received from Hubbub and Starbucks to make this trial possible.


Submit Your Innovations for the RECOUP Awards 2024 & Snap Up an Early-Bird Ticket for The RECOUP Conference!       

Posted: 06/03/2024

Submit Your Innovations for the RECOUP Awards 2024 & Snap Up an Early-Bird Ticket for The RECOUP Conference!       

RECOUP is proud to announce that entries are now open for the RECOUP Awards 2024. Recognising outstanding achievements in plastics resource efficiency and recycling, contributing towards a more circular plastics value chain, the awards aim to recognise and celebrate the innovative and inspiring projects and initiatives that have helped to drive the industry forward and lead to a more sustainable future.

The awards are FREE to enter with entries welcome from all relevant organisations and individuals who want to be recognised for their work and initiatives under the following award categories:

  • Best Plastic Product Development for Recyclability or Re-Use
  • Best Innovation in Equipment or Technology
  • Recycled Plastic Product of the Year

To apply for the awards, please visit the RECOUP website and complete the entry form by the 28 June 2024 deadline. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact RECOUP at . The winners will be announced at the RECOUP Awards Ceremony and Networking Dinner on Wednesday 25 September, at the Holiday Inn Peterborough – West. Spaces for the dinner are limited with tickets already on sale through the RECOUP website .

The RECOUP Awards Ceremony and Networking Dinner is followed by The RECOUP Conference on Thursday 26 September with sponsors including Berry Global and WRAP. Registrations are now open for the day-long event, once again being held at Kingsgate Conference Centre, Peterborough.  Attracting hundreds of delegates each year The RECOUP Conference draws together stakeholders, NGOs, Local and National Government bodies and organisations from across the plastics and wider sustainability value chain, to network, share best practice, and get the latest updates from the plastics value chain.

Attendance remains FREE to members, with early-bird discounts available to non-members for a limited time only. To book your ticket for The RECOUP Conference please visit the RECOUP website, .

Sponsorship packages are still available for both the awards and conference, offering organisations an invaluable opportunity to showcase their products and services in front of the most influential people in the plastics resource and recycling value chain. For more information about sponsorship packages, contact RECOUP Events and Membership Manager, Rebecca Davis,