RECOUP Members site visit to Sherbourne Recycling 27 March

Sherbourne Resource Park Sherbourne Resource Park 255 London Road, Coventry

RECOUP are offering members the opportunity to visit Sherbourne Recycling new state of the art materials recycling facility which combine the use of robotics and optics to separate materials. Sherbourne Recycling Automation, flexibility and sustainability Who are we and how did we get here? • Sherbourne Recycling was established in 2021, but the journey started […]

The RECOUP Summit

The Met Hotel 5 King Street, Leeds, United Kingdom

Focusing on developments in technology that will help to drive improvements in the plastics recycling and resource efficiency value chain, the RECOUP Summit will consist of focused breakout rooms in the morning followed by lunch and networking in the afternoon. With collaboration being a key factor to success we feel that it is also important […]

Environmental Packaging Live

Kia Oval Cricket Ground, London Kennington Oval, London, United Kingdom

The Environmental Packaging Awards The Environmental Packaging Awards will return for its third year with 20 award categories in FMCG packs, business performance and sustainable excellence. Our rigorous judging process which scrutinises every detail of data and nomination forms and physical pack design and review ensures we are awarding the very best sustainable packs and initiatives year […]