Webinar Recordings

Access recordings of RECOUP webinars.

The recordings below are available to download free of charge.

A selection of webinar recordings are only available to RECOUP Members. These may only be accessed via the ‘Members Area’ login above.

  • You may download to a local drive, extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only.
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25 July 2024 – Addressing the Needs and Challenges for Reusable Packaging Systems Through Digitalisation: Learnings from Project TRACE

This webinar shares learnings from the Innovate UK Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge funded project TRACE (Technology-enabled Reusable Assets for a Circular Economy).

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09 May 2024 – Meet the RECOUP Awards 2023 Finalists – Technology

Interested in entering our 2024 awards but want to know more about the process? In this webinar we hear more from some of last years finalists from our technology based categories!

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30 April 2024 – Meet the RECOUP Awards 2023 Finalists – Products

Interested in entering our 2024 awards but want to know more about the process? In this webinar we hear more from some of last years finalists from our product based categories!

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25 April 2024 – Plastics Recycling Industry Making Citizen Messaging Easy

This webinar looks at the importance of citizens communication, simplifying terminology for plastics recycling and its importance ahead of kerbside consistency.

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17 Apr 2024 – Kerbside Collection of PP Plant Pots for Recycling

It’s that time of year where interest turns to the garden, and an ideal opportunity to hear updates from some of the key organisations in the industry. In this webinar we learn more about plant pot recycling, the developments so far, what does the future look like and updates and information on collection rates.

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13 Dec 2023 – Bring It Back – Making reusables a reality

Exploring returnable packaging trials within the Peterborough area, PECT and RECOUP will be presenting the research & development, communication methods, methodology and results of the Bring It Back project.

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06 December 2023 – UK Household Plastic Packaging Collection Survey 2023

The RECOUP Survey is an annual, specialist, research-based report for those working in, or making decisions about household plastics waste and the recycled plastics value chain.

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15 Nov 2023 – Communicating Pack Recyclability

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8 Nov 2023 – Implementing Reuse Systems

During this webinar we will hear from experts in the sector who are currently playing a role in live functioning reuse systems. Learn from their experience of how they have implemented reuse systems, the challenges they have faced, their successes and plans to scale reuse in the future!

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11 Oct 2023 – Understanding Recycled Content Verification Systems

RECOUP will be hosting a webinar on Understanding Recycled Content Verification Systems

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26 Apr 2023 – Food Contact Plastic Packaging

This webinar will look at the impacts of legislation affecting food contact plastic packaging in the UK.

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25 Apr 2023 – Recoup Packaging Design And Innovation To Improve Recycling

Updates will be given from the packaging supply chain industry on how they are working to improve the recyclability of various types of plastic packaging.

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18 Apr 2023 – Researching the Recyclability of Plastic Toys

This webinar summarises the key findings from the new ‘Researching the Recyclability of Plastic Toys’ report and highlights the limitations of current infrastructure within the UK for the collection and sorting of electronic and non-electronic toys for recycling.

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02 Mar 2023 – Reusability by Design

This webinar will take you through the Reusability by Design guidance written by RECOUP and produced as a workstream of the UKRI funded TRACE (Technology-enabled Reusable Assets for a Circular Economy) project.

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23 Feb 2023 – Introduction to Recoup & Plastics Industry

Open to RECOUP members only, this webinar is for anyone new to the packaging or plastics industry wishing to learn more about RECOUP and our work.

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08 Dec 2022 – Recoup Member OCS Introduction

An introductory webinar for RECOUP members on Operation Clean Sweep hosted by RECOUP & the BPF.

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29 Nov 2022 – Design & Innovation to Improve Recycling

Updates from RECOUP members in the packaging supply chain on how they are working to improve sustainability of various types of plastic packaging.

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23 Nov 2022 – Recycling the Unrecyclable, or is It?

Highlighting the challenges and opportunities for plastics recycling in sectors such as fibres, hard plastics, or those with electricals or electronic components. Throughout this webinar we look at some of the possible solutions.

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22-Nov-2022 – Plastic Packaging Recycling Infrastructure in the Uk & Future Developments

An in-depth analysis of the UK’s current infrastructure and the possible impacts of future political and regulatory changes.

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15 Nov 2022 – Reuse: Unlocking the Opportunities

Exploring areas of ongoing work and opportunities to scale up the use of reusable packaging.

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01 Mar 2022 – Plastics 101: An Introduction to Plastics Recycling in the UK

With a focus on challenges and opportunities for plastic, RECOUP provides a rough overview of: relevant legislation; plastics and the practicalities of sorting and capture; plastics and end markets; and citizen messages, the challenges and opportunities.

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