Eunomia / DEFRA Update on the Recyclability Assessment Methodology
RECOUP attended a meeting on 01 December run by Eunomia on behalf of DEFRA. This follows on from the DEFRA workshop last month.
There are two projects ongoing; 1) The Recyclability Assessment Methodology (RAM) project will be used to produce a methodology to make assessments for fee modulation. But when this will be completed is unspecified. 2) A project to produce interim data for modulated fees.
RECOUP has another meeting with DEFRA planned for Thursday, 14 December, but it is not yet clear who else Eunomia have included in the process.
There were over a hundred questions; but some were not answered. Eunomia has promised to reply.
Among the points raised were:
– Why can’t they just use existing guidelines for UK?;
– Is there any contact with CEN regarding their work to align?
– What/where/when “user testing”?
The survey questions are extensive. The conclusion is that Eunomia are starting to produce a set of guidelines from scratch, rather than use existing information.
Survey deadline is Friday, 22 December and can be found by clicking here.
RECOUP would encourage members to have their say. If there is any one point you would like RECOUP to include in our response; please let us know.
For more detail, please contact Paul East at