
Sustainable Certifications Group (SCG) is a company that offers Certification Schemes to verify the sustainability and low-carbon benefits of materials and products. SCG’s Certification Schemes help recyclers, manufacturers and brand owners to capture carbon savings, and prove the environmental impacts of their goods across the supply chain. This helps retailers to avoid ‘greenwashing’ and meet the expectations of their customers and the goal of ‘net-zero’.

Their Certification Schemes cover:

  • Carbon Saving Statements: Have your carbon savings from your recycled content verified. Sell your statements to local authorities, customers and other organisations.
  • Low carbon Products: Have the material from which your product is made certified as having been recycled. Display your genuine low carbon credentials. Help your customers towards net zero.
  • Sustainably Sourced Plastic: Have your material and products certified as using genuine recycled plastic. Improve sales with independent certification. Help packaging customers avoid tax.

These are constantly evolving to cover even more recycled materials, so please visit the SCG website or LinkedIn page for more details.