
As one of the world’s leading food and beverage companies we recognise the significant role we can play in helping to change the way society makes, uses, and disposes of plastics, and we are helping to make sustainable plastics a reality. We’ve made it a business imperative to help build a circular future for packaging and a world where plastics need never become waste.

Across PepsiCo Europe, we plan to eliminate virgin fossil-based plastics in all our crisp and snack bags by 2030. This ambition will apply to our UK brands including Walkers, Doritos, Quavers, Wotsits, Snack a Jacks and Pipers, and will be delivered by using 100% recycled or renewable content in our packets.

While we’ve set ourselves ambitious targets, we recognise that tackling plastic waste is not a challenge any one organisation or country can do alone. That’s why we’re continuing to play a lead role in changing the way everyone uses plastics, through partnerships with like-minded organisations including our work with Wrap on the UK Plastics Pact as well as working with our peers as one of the founding members of the Flexible Plastics Fund.